One from the Heart

RT-C 51%
RT-A 61%
Drama Romance

Hank and Frannie don't seem to be able to live together anymore. After a five-year relationship, lustful and dreamy Frannie leaves down-to-earth Hank on the anniversary of their relationship. Each one of them meets their dream mate, but as bright as they may seem, they are but a stage of lights and colors. Will true love prevail over a seemingly glamorous passion?

Showtimes in English at Cinemas in Barcelona

Tuesday, 21 May

The movie 'One from the Heart' is shown in English if it is a movie in English originally - or with English subtitles, if it is NOT a movie with original audio in English.


'One from the Heart' is currently scheduled to play in English 1 times at 1 different cinemas in Barcelona.

On Rotten Tomatoes, an aggregator of movie reviews, One from the Heart is currently rated 51% by critics.

That is not the highest rating ever, but if this is your kind of movie - you might enjoy it very much anyway.

On Rotten Tomatoes, an aggregator of movie reviews, One from the Heart is currently rated 61% by the audience.

That is not the highest rating ever, but if this is your kind of movie - you might enjoy it very much anyway.
