Rorshok Spain Update podcast

Rorshok Spain Update podcast Image English Cinema Barcelona
Rorshok Spain Update - A weekly ten-minute audio update in English covering current events in Spain. Ad-free. Available on your favorite apps.

Rorshok Spain Update is a weekly ten-minute audio update in English covering current events in Spain. Ad-free. Available on your favorite apps.

Rorshok, founded in March 2021, is an international startup focused on fostering real-time, meaningful connections within communities. It addresses the modern issue of excessive information and passive online interactions, aiming to help people build valuable knowledge and relationships.

The organization seeks to mitigate the negative effects of social media, such as anxiety and endless scrolling, by promoting more direct and enriching online experiences. Recognizing the benefits of technological advancements, Rorshok aims to use these tools to enhance well-being while reducing adverse impacts.

Unlike many profit-driven businesses, Rorshok is dedicated to creating innovative, beneficial projects that improve lives. The organization aims to collaborate with individuals who share its vision, continuously developing valuable initiatives that align with its mission. Rorshok seeks to generate sufficient revenue to sustain its efforts while maintaining its core goal of contributing positively to the world.

Published: 2024-07-19
