The Fall Guy

RT-C 82%
RT-A 86%
Action Comedy

Fresh off an almost career-ending accident, stuntman Colt Seavers has to track down a missing movie star, solve a conspiracy and try to win back the love of his life while still doing his day job.

Showtimes in English at Cinemas in Barcelona

There are currently no scheduled showings of The Fall Guy in Barcelona.

The movie 'The Fall Guy' is shown in English if it is a movie in English originally - or with English subtitles, if it is NOT a movie with original audio in English.


'The Fall Guy' is currently scheduled to play in English 0 times at 0 different cinemas in Barcelona.

On Rotten Tomatoes, an aggregator of movie reviews, The Fall Guy is currently rated 82% by critics.

That is a pretty good rating.

On Rotten Tomatoes, an aggregator of movie reviews, The Fall Guy is currently rated 86% by the audience.

That is a pretty good rating.
