The First Omen

RT-C 81%
RT-A 70%

When a young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, she encounters a darkness that causes her to question her own faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil incarnate.

Showtimes in English at Cinemas in Barcelona

There are currently no scheduled showings of The First Omen in Barcelona.

The movie 'The First Omen' is shown in English if it is a movie in English originally - or with English subtitles, if it is NOT a movie with original audio in English.


'The First Omen' is currently scheduled to play in English 0 times at 0 different cinemas in Barcelona.

On Rotten Tomatoes, an aggregator of movie reviews, The First Omen is currently rated 81% by critics.

That is a pretty good rating.

On Rotten Tomatoes, an aggregator of movie reviews, The First Omen is currently rated 70% by the audience.

That is a pretty good rating.
